I started getting into web design when I was in high school. The internet was just starting to become popular in the late 90s, and I was interested in finding out more about building sites. A friend taught me html coding and introduced me to Adobe Photoshop. I created a few sites back then, and that experience along with a few others that I wont comment on now, led me to decide to pursue a Graphic Design degree in College.
However, when I did get to college, I realized that Print was so much more fun than Web Design. I fell in love with Print Design and posteriorly, Advertising, and began loathing Web Design. That was mainly due to the coding part of it, which I just didn't want to deal with. In the last 4 years I haven't done much web design at all, but, there's a time for everything...
On my last project for my Creative Strategies class, I picked a great client for whom I would create an ad campaign. However, upon visiting their site and finding out more about them, I realized that the Web has had a great impact on there business, and that if this were a real client, there is no way that the agency would ignore that. So, to make this whole thing more difficult for myself, and to enter some more pieces in the school's Awards competition, I decided to go ahead and not only do the campaign, but also to do the website, logo, and their whole visual identity... Yeah, I know, I might have gone a bit overboard here, but what the hey.
So the client is GreenExpress, a courier company in Atlanta that was the first in the country to switch their whole fleet to only Hybrid cars. Not only that, but they changed their office around to be more environment friendly, using recycled supplies and all. So here goes what I have and where it's at so far:

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